Our Caregivers
Our Caregivers are totally committed, highly qualified, and carefully selected individuals who are thoroughly screened, background checked, bonded, and insured. Our typical caregiver profile is either a Certified Nurse Assistant (C.N.A) or Certified Home Health Aide (C.H.H.A) with 2 years work experience as a caregiver.
When one of our companions come into your home you can rest assured that they are the best of the best.
Our unique matching system is designed to place the companion that best meets the needs and interests of your loved one.
We Specialize in Non-Medical Home Care & Companion Services
Seniors - New Moms - Working Parents - Recuperative Care
Hourly - Daily - Weekly - Monthly - Overnight
"Our mission is to offer our customers reliable cost effective home care services"
Please call between the hours of 9am to 6pm Monday - Saturday
Flat Rate Pricing $24.75 per hour...